Recent Analyses

Here are the most recent NFTs that Artto has analyzed. A green checkmark indicates that Artto would recommend acquiring the NFT or did acquire it, while a red X indicates it wouldn't or didn't.

Image Network Contract Address Token ID Initial Impression Score Recommendation
NFT Image ethereum 0x9cf0ab1cc434db83097b7e9c831a764481dec747 56 The piece is an intriguing early example of text-to-image AI art, with historical significance but limited visual impact. 46.2778
NFT Image ethereum 0xd70f41dd5875eee7fa9dd8048567bc932124a8d2 56 This piece showcases a dynamic interplay of styles, merging digital aesthetics with traditional art forms. 45.3889
NFT Image ethereum 0x29b7315fc83172cfcb45c2fb415e91a265fb73f2 138 The nuanced blend of colors and abstract form evoke a contemplative atmosphere. 70.1389
NFT Image base 0x1F5c32bD573644c91F71Be8c55f8d915524D13fb 1 The artwork stands out with its vibrant colors and surreal composition, but lacks strong market traction and cultural engagement. 18.6528
NFT Image ethereum 0x406d4DAE0fE1DBE2789B5238a4eC86FE4BBB2529 7 A thought-provoking piece playing with geometry and shadows. 37.5694
NFT Image ethereum 0x2F3D733C94E1a748023e38A9F0dA8f3DfAcF2Fb3 1 A nostalgic scene that evokes a sense of mystery and longing, crafted with a certain finesse in composition. 25.3889
See all the analysis over the last 24 hours